Added new heart events when player has given a bouquet to all bachelors or bachelorettes.Added rare treasure chest rooms in Skull Cavern.Added new monsters in the Skull Cavern: Carbon Ghost, Iridium Bat, and Iridium Crab.Added new items: Auto-Grabber, Cactus Seeds, Garden Pot, Wood Sign and Stone Sign, Solid Gold Lewis statue, Pearl, Wedding Ring, new paintings, and decorative items sold at shops and festivals throughout the year.Added Bear's Knowledge, Special Charm, Spring Onion Mastery.Added Statue Of Uncertainty to change professions.Added different stationery for letters from Sandy and the Wizard.Added a new Credits menu to replace the "About" menu on the title screen, and removed the /credits chat command.Increased purchase price of wood, stone, ores, and coal in the year 2+.

The gold received for selling them is unchanged. Reduced price of Tub o' Flowers from 1000g to 250g, and recipe from 2000g to 1000g.Breaking small tree stumps now provides +1 foraging XP.Once the player reaches the mine bottom.prismatic shards and diamonds may rarely drop from any monster.gems and purple mushrooms may be found when searching trash bins.gems and purple mushrooms may be requested in NPC quests.Once the player reaches the mine bottom, the Dwarf will attend weddings.Golden Pumpkin is now a universal love (instead of universal hate).You can now add Mayor Lewis' shorts to the Luau soup.You can now put Fire Quartz in the Furnace to produce Refined Quartz.You can now refill a Watering Can at the kitchen sink.